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The Moran Team
151 Regions Way, Suite 4A
Destin, FL 32451
Toll Free: 866-670-2900
Office: 850-654-3325
Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist & Million Dollar Guild Member
About the Moran Team
About the Moran Team  Destin Realtors

For Realtors


The buyers of property in our market come from all over the country in markets just like yours - many agents are missing out on the opportunity to earn handsome referral fees! Rest assured your clients will receive the best marketing systems, marketing research and first view of new properties. Plus, the best administrative support and follow-up to their transaction! We are professional in our conduct, aggressive in our marketing and strong while negotiating contracts for your referrals!

Why is the Moran Team Referring Partner Program is Beneficial to you and your Clients?

As a resort market in Florida, most of our buyers and sellers identify their primary residence as somewhere other than the Emerald Coast and own property here as a second home or investment. We believe that you have current or past clients that are, or will become:

  • Retirees who are ready to purchase their dream home on the beach.
  • Baby Boomers who are downsizing and looking for a second home or condo at the beach.
  • Snowbirds who are looking for a second home or condo to spend the winter months and then perhaps rent during the summer
  • Hi-Bred Investors who use their beach home for occasional personal use and rent the rest of the year on a short-term rental program.
  • Standard Investors who are looking for rental income properties that will appreciate over time
  • Golf Enthusiasts who want to own a home on or near a championship golf course.
  • Boaters who want a property with a deepwater dock and/or boat access
How do I Become a Referring Partner?

As a Moran Team referring partner, all you need to do is register your referral with us! Once the referred client closes on a property, you can look forward to earning a referral fee paid at the time of closing directly from the closing agent. The average Moran Team pay out is $7,650 and can be as high as $35,000! If you have questions, or would like more information on our Referring Partner Program, please contact John Moran at 850-217-7618 or

Do you have a client considering investing in Florida's Emerald Coast?

Where is the Emerald Coast?

Destin sits in the heart of Florida's Emerald Coast, which is found on the Gulf of Mexico between Pensacola and Panama City. It is a 10 hour drive, or less, for more than 45 million people and is a favorite destination for visitors from cities across the Southeast! For cities such as Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Little Rock, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, the Emerald Coast is almost considered their back yard! Our area also attracts visitors, vacationers and snowbirds from cities such as Columbus, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Dallas and Houston - off of which are a very easy two day or less drive!

Why Invest in the Emerald Coast?

The Emerald Coast presents the perfect scenario for real estate investment: Limited supply matched against high and growing demand. This proven law of economics will, over time, always lead to price appreciation.

The facts are simple:
  1. There in an absolute and finite supply of beachfront property. Of that limited supply, the Emerald Coast has some of the nicest beaches in the country. "USA Today" and "Southern Living Magazine" both have recently named the area as having the best beaches in the USA!
  2. People will always be drawn to the water. Compared to other states, Florida's growth rate has ranked among the top 7 every decade since 1920. In 2006, Florida's population is expected to increase by 1,100 people each day. And all of these people need a place to live!
  3. There are very few areas of the country that enjoy warm weather, virtually year round, the way our area does. The Emerald Coast has at least 9 months of the year with average high temps of 71 degrees or warmer, 6 month average high temps of 80 degrees or warmer and all 12 months average high temps of 61 degrees or warmer!
  4. The Baby Boomer Generation. This massive demographic shift, which is just beginning and expected to last the next 30 years, is bringing tens of millions of Baby Boomers into the prime second and vacation home buying demographic. Because of the strong attraction of water and warm weather, many of these baby boomers will seek property here on the beautiful Emerald Coast!
Is now the time to buy, or is the market going to drop further?

YES, right now is a great time to buy! We know with absolute certainty that the current real estate market is set up perfectly for buyers. Look at the three basic facts:

  1. Inventory levels are larger than they have ever been. Because there are so many properties on the market, buyers have many options and therefore can be selective in choosing the very best property for their wants and needs... they literally have the "pick of the litter". It's a great time for a buyer looking for a second home, that getaway condo, or the perfect lot to build their dream home!
  2. Buyers have great leverage over sellers with regards to price. Because there are high levels of inventory with owners that want or need to sell, sellers are accepting reduced prices, offering incentives to buyers and/or being creative with financing to get their properties sold!
  3. Interest rates for fixed rate mortgages are still very low.
For more information please contact John Moran at 850-217-7618.

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