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The Moran Team
151 Regions Way, Suite 4A
Destin, FL 32451
Toll Free: 866-670-2900
Office: 850-654-3325
Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist & Million Dollar Guild Member
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Your Property's Value


Would you like to see what your property might be worth if you sold it today?

Just fill out the form below or call us direct at 850-217-7618 and we will be happy to send you a complete CMA (comparable market analysis) on your property - Free of charge. After looking at the information you feel that now is a good opportunity to sell your investment give us a call and we'll start right away!

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

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If you are considering selling your investment we would love to apply for the job.

We have a track record of success having sold millions of dollars worth of real estate on the Emerald Coast. We are professional in our approach, aggressive in our efforts and strong in our negotiations skills and we will get your property sold for the price you want under the terms you want.

We believe in the importance of communicating with our clients throughout the selling and closing process and you will always be up to date on how we are marketing your property, when showings are scheduled, exactly what is happening with any contract negotiations and finally, you will always know the status of your closing and when you will receive your check!

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